Selasa, 01 April 2014

How to Install Google Analytics in Blog

Adding Google Analytics to a New Blog - I recently received a comment from one of the main visitors to the blog is simple seo tricks and ask how to add our blog to another google analytics ?

Ideology does not mean? ya feeling somewhat not comfortable in reading. I explain more example you 've mendaftarkankan your first blog to google analytics, now you have a new blog and want to attach ID analytics too well what do I like ? that's about the intent of the title of this article.

Let us just the way mndaftarkan your new blog to google analytics but before if you do not know how to sign up google analytics please read how to register and install google analytics tracker code on your blog.
First go to google analytics and login using your account.
If it is please find ADMIN (See Figure)

Select admin

ACCOUNT then locate and click the small arrow underneath atanda.
add new website on google analytics

After that select CREATE NEW ACCOUNT and follow the steps bleak when you first sign up google analytics here.

Klick create account

That should be remembered is when you memsang GA tracker code in your blog may be a bit difficult, please use the code I gave in the post I list Google analytics.

it just might be that I can explain on how to add a new blog to Google analytics, as always if there is a problem please comme below. Hopefully useful and greeting Indonesian bloggers

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 14.58

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