EASY WAYS TO GET BACKLINK - been a long time I did not update the blog this simple seo tricks, because many affairs with college, and no doubt dying to buy a bag of internet subscription package :D. aidzin terminal before I say first because this is still months shawal. For this wonderful opportunity I will share how to find and get a backlink.
There are so many ways to get backlinks, start commenting on dofollow blogs, sosbook, advertise, etc.. For this time I will give a tutorial on how to get backlinks for beginners who have difficulty getting backlinks, because I believe the masters have no need of this tutorial because the tutorial is just nuts. Teteapi never hurts to share because it's certainly not all there is in vain.
Here are the steps to find backlinks by category is easy for beginners.
1#. Commenting on dofollow blogs
This method is the first step for the newbie who wants to find backlinks, because you only need to comment on an article.
comments on dofollow blogs
What you should do :
Please search by keyword digoogle " BLOG LIST DoFollow " after it please comment on these blogs. Avoid comment spam smelling and berunsur SARA because surely your comment will be deleted. For example : Thank you very useful article, you try to comment in accordance with the topics covered, or you can ask if you do not understand. In addition use the NAME / URL to comment. Remember the anchor text you use will have a major impact on your blog . So use the anchor text varied and related to your blog.
2 #. Submit your article on social bookmarking
This method can be very powerful because in addition to the opportunity to get your article backlinks indexed for easy social bookmarking may have a better page rank of your blog.
What you should do :
Submit your articles on social bookmarking , make sure your article has been indexed by google, to find it please type it in the google search field SITE : URL ARTICLE if the article you are there then you are ready to submit it. Here are some recommendations :
submit to sosbook
InfoGue. PR 4
Debuk. PR 2
Qaafe. PR 4
BeritaSaya. PR 1
Popularized. PR 2
Please register if registration is required. There are many social bookmarking in cyberspace please multiply the reference.
3#. Become a Guest Blog on the famous blog.
It is the most effective way because the backlinks you dapatkat is of a quality backlink from popular blogs. Yups by sending a quality article and paste the link on the article you will get a backlink.
guest blogger
You need to do :
Make a quality article every week, if you are confused how quality articles, please read how to make a quality article. Then look for popular blogs that accept guest blogs, and submit your article to the blog admin, make sure your article has never been published before. Once approved then your article will be published by the blog owner and you would certainly backlink to your blog.
That is some way to get backlinks categorized and easy for beginners, please do the points above. I'm sure it will be very effective for beginners who are confused by getting backlinks.
If you are really understand and master the technique later on I will try to share to get backlinks in a way that is more difficult. So up here if anyone you ask ? Please inquire only if it is still not understand. Hopefully useful and greeting bloggers.
Very nice work, I will follow to add to my project of educating other within proximity of your work, again, thanks.