Selasa, 01 April 2014

How do I make a good quality article and seo?

How do I make a good quality article and seo? The answer of course is related to your previous post by entering the keywords we have chosen in advance . If you have not learned about how to choose keywords can read the previous article HOW TO CHOOSE A KEYWORD

After many keywords and clearance can be in the article to back we must consider the following important factors :
1 # Choose the Article Title

If you are already adept at selecting keywords you certainly can vary these keywords to the title of the article is made . Long should the title of the article says sekirtar 5-7. Because the longer will decrease the quality of the keyword in it . If you will make a splashy title of the article should not be sacrificed keywords in it. For example , if the title of his article " sports shoes price dropped again to 50 percent discount " is replaced with " Splashy ! 50 % Discount Sports Shoes".

2 # Selecting URLs Article

If you look at the page to make the article on the right there is a menu called Permanent Link, it's function is to determine the URL that you created the article , but if the title of your article is too long then it usually will not load all the titles, you can change the url of your article by clicking permalink menu and will open as shown below :

Anada simply type part of a URL or title terahir arikel very long. Do not forget amid the associated sign ( - ). That way it would be the SEO URL.

3 # Mark Any Article With Label

If your blog has some discussion of using labels according to the type of articles you created to classify. function in order to assist the flow of page rank to the pages of your blog posts.

4 # Making The Optimized Articles

We recommend that in making the article follow the following rules :
          • The length of the article at least 500 words.
          • Each keyword is repeated at least three times sebangayak (appetizer, content, cover ).
          • The earliest keywords in bold or in tilt.
          • Use language that is standard so if translated into other languages ​​can be indexed

In Figure 5 # Adding article.

Good article yan typically use images according to the theme of the article and also illustrate the article. Make sure your image is not too big, because it may affect the page loading. For blogspot users, uploaded images when writing the article, and do not be hosted on image hosting another. Because sometimes other hosting could not keep pace laoding images from blogspot at rush hour.

6 # Inserting Link In Articles

If there is an article related to one another and you can put up the link and follow the following tips :
Make sure all links open in a new tab
Try at least two links that go to the article you linked.

7 # Make sure your article is Able to Respond problems Or Provide Information On Who Is Searching Readers

It is intended that the reader interested in reading another article because the article you are able membearikan and information they are looking for their child to come many times about your blog is very good in order to increase the page rank of your blog.

8 # Install Meta Tag Title

Install meta title tags so that your articles will be indexed by search engines.
The points above can help you to improve the quality of the articles that you create, and I hope the young can make your blog posts indexed better. Furthermore, after you make a good and quality article then you need to read the QUICK TIPS FOR ARTICLES indexed by google

That's more or less how to create a quality SEO article may be useful.
hello blogger.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 15.04

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